Christmas Bonbons

cardboard cylinders (from toilet rolls)

white bond paper

tissue paper

crepe paper or wrapping paper for 'outer cover'

curling ribbon or ribbon oddments

old Christmas cards, wrapping paper or cardboard for motifs

friction strips (optional: available from distributors of paper products and party novelties)

scissors, pinking shears, glue stick, lollies, balloons, party hats and jokes

For each bonbon, cut white bond paper 21 x 15cm (half A4 sheet), tissue paper 25 x 17 cm and paper for outer cover 29 x 19 cm, using pinking shears if desired. For each bonbon, use 'outer cover' as the first layer, 'tissue paper' for the second layer and 'white bond paper' for the third layer. Place a cylinder in the centre of the white bond paper, (if desired, place a friciton strip between the cylinder and the bond paper). Place a spare cylincer at each end of the centre cylinder to hold the ends of the cracker in shape. Roll papers firmly around the cylinders and glue in place along the long edge. Ease one of the spare cylinders out about 2 cm, away from the centre cylinder and tie a ribbon between the cylinders, gathering up the papers. Remove the spare cylinder and pull end tight with the ribbon, finishing with a secure knot. Drop in the lollies, balloons, hat etc. and tie the remining end the same way as the first end. Cut the ends into peaks or if you have cut the paper with pinking shears, leave ends long. Add motifs cut out from old Christmas cards, wrapping paper or cardboard and glue directly onto bonbon. Or glue motif onto a strip cut out from contrasting paper, then glue the strip around the bonbon. For a personal touch, write names on the labels.